
Image by zyphichore
found a (really old) hard drive the othert night.. tucked up in an industrial washer if you can believe’that!
i was able to recover almost all of it. here’s an excerpt:
filename: ~WRI016D.TXT
datestamp: nov, 11, 2004
Well, another year has flown by. Our fridge is full of sponge art, our car full of baby seats, our house full of toys and our life full of happiness.
We are looking forward to christmas, as always a white christmas would be nice but only after we arrive at our destination. Although the scenery can be breathtaking so can the icy roads.
We hope to be arriving in Ashcroft sometime on December 23 or 24th. This depends on the roads etc.
Calgary has been offering us its usual weather for this time of year. We are awaiting the second snow fall. Weather forecasters try to predict our weather but are often apologizing for their forecasts. A four day forecast usually means four hours in Alberta.
We have both enjoyed the game of golf during this years season. To be perfectly honest, Stephen may have enjoyed it more. However, there is room to boast for me . We were fortunate enough to go off alone to Phoenix , Arizona in October. It was here that I was explaining to our partners that 105 was great for me today. With that comment they replied,"Oh was it that hot today." HA HA say what you will. WE SHALL RETURN.. As to the home owners along The Point at Southmountain, I am sorry for any damage I may have caused.
Santa will soon be calling in at our homes. I hope that he finds everyone healthy and happy. I also hope he finds my christmas list. Who thought of that silly idea of burning it!!!! Besides I hear you are not allowed to put that much paper in a fireplace .
I heard it mentioned the other day that it would be nice if the same people that came around your neighbourhood asking to clean your windows would extend their energies to Christmas Lights. We like to wait until the wind chill factor has risen to add a challenge. This way we can compare the breakage from one year to the next!!!!
Caylie and Colin are as cute as ever. Caylie is so excited this year, it helps to be a year older. Being able to open all Colin’s presents as well may also be adding to the excitement. The other day she made some comment about pulling Santa’s beard. Oh, won’t he be thrilled to see us.
Caylie is in the" Why" phase. We sure have to have our thinking caps on these days. Perhaps a course in astrology would help. Gravity, stars, the moon. Music plays a big part as well as books. We make regular trips to the library, with Colin in tow of course. Colin prefers to eat his selections. It is for that reason we don’t borrow pop up books. Besides, they don’t provide enough ruffage.
We hope that christmas this year will be a happy one, with many wonderful memories.
Stephen, Joanne, Caylie & Colin Williams
or has Ã

Image by zyphichore
found a (really old) hard drive the othert night.. tucked up in an industrial washer if you can believe’that!
i was able to recover almost all of it. here’s an excerpt:
filename: ~WRI016D.TXT
datestamp: nov, 11, 2004
Well, another year has flown by. Our fridge is full of sponge art, our car full of baby seats, our house full of toys and our life full of happiness.
We are looking forward to christmas, as always a white christmas would be nice but only after we arrive at our destination. Although the scenery can be breathtaking so can the icy roads.
We hope to be arriving in Ashcroft sometime on December 23 or 24th. This depends on the roads etc.
Calgary has been offering us its usual weather for this time of year. We are awaiting the second snow fall. Weather forecasters try to predict our weather but are often apologizing for their forecasts. A four day forecast usually means four hours in Alberta.
We have both enjoyed the game of golf during this years season. To be perfectly honest, Stephen may have enjoyed it more. However, there is room to boast for me . We were fortunate enough to go off alone to Phoenix , Arizona in October. It was here that I was explaining to our partners that 105 was great for me today. With that comment they replied,"Oh was it that hot today." HA HA say what you will. WE SHALL RETURN.. As to the home owners along The Point at Southmountain, I am sorry for any damage I may have caused.
Santa will soon be calling in at our homes. I hope that he finds everyone healthy and happy. I also hope he finds my christmas list. Who thought of that silly idea of burning it!!!! Besides I hear you are not allowed to put that much paper in a fireplace .
I heard it mentioned the other day that it would be nice if the same people that came around your neighbourhood asking to clean your windows would extend their energies to Christmas Lights. We like to wait until the wind chill factor has risen to add a challenge. This way we can compare the breakage from one year to the next!!!!
Caylie and Colin are as cute as ever. Caylie is so excited this year, it helps to be a year older. Being able to open all Colin’s presents as well may also be adding to the excitement. The other day she made some comment about pulling Santa’s beard. Oh, won’t he be thrilled to see us.
Caylie is in the" Why" phase. We sure have to have our thinking caps on these days. Perhaps a course in astrology would help. Gravity, stars, the moon. Music plays a big part as well as books. We make regular trips to the library, with Colin in tow of course. Colin prefers to eat his selections. It is for that reason we don’t borrow pop up books. Besides, they don’t provide enough ruffage.
We hope that christmas this year will be a happy one, with many wonderful memories.
Stephen, Joanne, Caylie & Colin Williams
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