Calgary Sustainable Living Techniques
Calgary Sustainable Living Techniques
When people think of energy waste, pollution and other environmentally damaging factors, they immediately tend to think of big business and commercial properties. While these places may yield high pollution rates, residential homes aren’t exactly a pristine example either. In fact, when you amass neighborhoods and private residences across North America, the energy waste adds up quickly.
Clean Green Nation wants to help you reduce the amount of energy you’re wasting by giving you some easy to follow energy saving tips. If you’re interested in Calgary sustainable living, start by trying out one of these easy to follow methods:
Weatherize Your Home: It may sound like a seasonal thing to do, but weatherizing your home should be something that happens year round. This Calgary sustainable living tip will keep your energy costs at an all-time low by relieving the strain on your home’s heating and cooling system. Weatherizing prevents regulated air from escaping into places that don’t need to be heated or cooled, like attics. Weatherizing is a very simple process: simply seal cracks around doors and windows, patch holes and insulate properly. The end result is an airtight, energy efficient home.
Use Energy Efficient Products: Energy efficient products come in all shapes and sizes. Small CFL light bulbs might help you cut back on energy waste from lighting, while entire photovoltaic panels can help you generate your own source of energy altogether. Using Energy Star rated appliances and other Clean Green Nation approved items can save you money on your energy bills, while keeping the environment green at the same time.
Recycle: Taking a few extra minutes to properly recycle special items can have a profound effect on the environment, even if you don’t witness it firsthand. You see, plastics and electronics have the potential to sit in landfills for decades before they begin to break down and when they do, they can severely damage the ecosystem around them. On of the most crucial objectives of Calgary sustainable living is to help keep the environment as clean as possible; so don’t forget to properly dispose of items that can be recycled.
Above are just a few Calgary sustainable living ideas that you can use to live a green lifestyle. Who knows, after trying out a couple of these tips, you might just feel better about your day to day living habits. Check out Clean Green Nation’s website for more information and more sustainable living ideas.
Jodi will begin their work with Clean Green Nation effective immediately. To learn more about energy efficient home upgrades, green living, affordable wind energy and more, visit