The Calgary Advantage Of Wind Power
The Calgary Advantage Of Wind Power
The Calgary Advantage Of Wind Power
Canada is well known for being a country that has a flat landscape. With so many open fields and flat areas, it is easy to see the Calgary advantage of wind power. The more wide open spaces that an area has that are flat, the better it is for wind power. With resources dwindling, a lot of countries have taken to using solar or wind power to help ease their dependency on nonrenewable resources. A lot of farms that were once used as traditional land for farming have been turned into wind farms. Where there once stood silos and other traditional farm equipment now stands wind mills that are taking advantage of one of Canada and Calgary’s most available renewable resource.
One providence in Canada has the potential to produce forty percent of the country’s electricity. It is difficult to see why more wind mills are not already in place in Calgary and all over the country. Many countries have already to depending on wind energy to support their electricity needs. There are not a lot of reasons or incentives for farmers, business, or people in general to turn to wind energy. The government should be supporting these companies and folks as they try to not only save our environment, but make a change for the best of all mankind.
If Calgary were to depend on wind energy to provide electricity instead of traditional electricity, the cost of electricity in the providence would lower by six to twelve cents each and every year. There are tons of families across Canada who could bear to save a few cents here and there on their electricity bill. It is easy to see the Calgary advantage of wind power. Calgary is not the top provider of wind energy by any means. There are lots of countries in the world that are better equipped to harvest wind energy, but the benefits of wind energy and wind power make it seem silly to not take advantage.
Using wind energy could reduce the amount of Canadians electricity bills up to three percent a year. After a few years this number could really add up. Wind energy has been in Canada since the late eighteen hundreds, but it has not been until recent times lately that the advantages really have been reaped. Seeing windmills popping up all over Calgary would be a good thing for the electricity bills of Canadian families.
For more information on Clean Green Nation products and services in Alberta, Canada, contact Berhane Marko via email at or phone at (888) 566-1344.